Innovo is a rebranding of the well-known car retailer Volkswagen, but given a modern twist. My approach was to create a sleek and minimalist design that reflects the company’s improved commitment to innovation and sustainability.
This image shows my brand presentation board, which showcases all of the necessary changes made to the brand, such as the colour scheme, brand values, logo scales, and graphic elements to use in other rollouts.
The new logo is a stylised word mark with smooth curved lines and round terminals to portray an organic and approachable aesthetic.

Advert poster design

Retailer sign design

Business card design
I have then elevated this by taking apart the geometric shapes that I used for the word mark and used them for versatile graphic elements in various media rollouts.

Website home page (desktop)

Advert poster (first iteration)

Vertical advert poster (first iteration)

I initially had a design of similar origin with the sleek lines and rounded terminals but also featured an owl character, firstly because an owl has sometimes represented innovation and wisdom, but also because in the process of creating the logo, I noticed that the second half of the word mark resembled an owl face.
This ended up changing because there weren't a lot of different rollouts that I could use this owl character for that didn't seem like it was a childish animal mascot, which wasn't the target audience that I was trying to appeal to.