Zephyr Senses is a serene and tranquil soap retailer that sells sustainable soap made entirely from left over fruits, vegetable oils, and rinds. In order to portray the message that the soap is meant to provide personal experiences that are very important to mental health and wellbeing, I based this design on the aspect of fresh air, an experience that can lighten someone’s mood and make people feel better and more tranquil.
This is where I used a custom cloud design inspired by Chinese and Greek cloud art, and using the greek word Zephyr, meaning “the west wind”.
I didn't want them to be too similar to the existing artwork, so I tried to make them in a very specific way (right side of image), using negative space to create gaps in between the strokes to make it look clean, but this ended up just making the edges look quite sharp and not very serene, in addition to there being way too many of them, which made them look quite distracting on the box.
This lead me going back to a design that it quite similar to the existing cloud designs seen throughout history, but they are very spread out, very simple, and are not coloured in.

First set of cloud designs - right, Second set of cloud designs - left

Peach and Lavender soap box

Blueberry and Chamomile soap design

Blueberry and Chamomile soap dispenser design
I have refined this packaging project to also include digital rollouts and other releases of soap, including different ingredients and different containers. Both versions of my packages feature a placid colour scheme with a muted colour and a brighter, positive colour, to connote a gentle and zen product.

Website home page & shop page (desktop)