Inspired by negative space and silhouette art, these London Zoo animal icons were made to be easily identified from a distance through highlighting the animal’s significant features.

Original iterations
The designs are very simple so that they can easily be identified by all zoo customers, and are colour coded to the zone of the Zoo that they are located in.
Some initial designs included a lemur and a warthog, but they had their own complications that lead to me not taking their designs forward - the lemur's only distinguishing feature was its tail, while the rest of it did not look like a lemur, and the warthog was mistaken for a rhino on several occasions, so they had to go.
Other complications included fitting the animals into the same grid space, since they had a lot of varying widths and lengths. This led to me making a lot of design changes, such as changing the tails of the animals from pointing horizontally to hanging vertically in order to to fit them in.
Other than these issues, this was a very fun project!

Changes made to the tiger throughout the project, altering the leg width, tail size, and stripe design

Badge design

Wristband design

Visualisation of how the icons would appear on a navigation sign at the zoo